Our Contact Details

Phone Number

01229 440949

Email Address


5 Beck brow, Bootle, Millom, Cumbria, LA19 5UJ

Opening times

Mon - Fri 8:30am to 17:30pm

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Frequently Asked Questions

Contact us today at 01229 440949 for a free consultation and estimate on your renewable energy project!

The total cost of a solar PV system depends on several factors like your energy requirements, roof size/orientation, and the types of products used. However, solar panel prices have dropped significantly making it more affordable than ever. We offer flexible financing options and the long-term savings on your energy bills allow most residential solar installations to pay for themselves within 7-10 years.

Yes, despite common misconceptions, solar PV systems do not need direct sunlight to generate electricity. They work by converting light, not heat. Even on cloudy days, solar panels will still produce energy, just at a lower level than bright, sunny days. Cumbria's northern latitude is not a major issue.

With proper maintenance and conditions, most solar PV panel installations can keep generating free electricity for 25-35 years. Inverters and batteries may need replacing once during that lifespan. We install only premium equipment from top manufacturers with long warranties.

Absolutely! Our off-grid solar systems with battery backup allow you to live completely off the grid and be energy self-sufficient. We'll design a customized system based on your energy usage that generates enough solar power to cover your needs.

South facing roofs with no shade provide optimal solar exposure. However, we can absolutely install solar on east or west facing roofs as well. Our team performs detailed site surveys to maximize your system's output based on the conditions.